Related to the Malaysia's energy policies, the government among others established the Centre for Education and Training in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE) to promote the implementation of RE & EE in the country. The centre is established in October 2000 and is the focal point in the network based at Universiti Sains Malaysia for development of information materials to raise general awareness on RE and EE. In the 8th Malaysian Plan, CETREE is mentioned to be Malaysia’s new Education and Training Center. Supported by DANCED (Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development) / DANIDA until March 2003 and was extended another year (until March 2004). CETREE's focus and activities is to organise RE&EE Education & Training to four target groups SCHOOL, UNIVERSITIES, PROFESSIONALS, GENERAL PUBLIC awareness. Along the implementation program & projects, CETREE’s Output were 1.Implementation of the CETREE network
2.Study tours in Malaysia and to Denmark, 3.External Courses for Professionals, 4.Secondary school curriculum including RE and EE, 5.Co-curriculum program on RE and EE
6.Energy and Environment program, a two credit course for final year university students. 7.An information kit on RE and EE, 8.Publicity material for general awareness on RE and EE
9.A mobile exhibition on RE and EE, 10.A website on RE and EE technologies, applications and activities, 11.Evaluation of CETREE project.
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