Wednesday, February 10, 2010

EE campaign at Sekolah Islam Hidayah

Friday 5 Feb 2010, Energy Efficiency talks and campaign were organised at Sekolah Menengah Islam Hidayah JB (SMIH). Apart from the social activity, this is a 'project base learning' (PBL) of Climatic Architecture Technology (CAT) subject taught in Architecture Department FAB.
Attended about 500 students and 30 teachers of SMIH, 10 Architecture students and tutor of the CAT subject presented the talk entitle "Understanding Climate Change & Global Warming Phenomena" and "Energy Efficiency Practices in School".

As part of university students learning program, the EE campaign has an objective to help SMIH to reduce energy/electricity up to 10% from the current consumption. It will involve 'walk through energy audit' and continuous campaign on EE at school through collaborative effort and assistance by the tutor and students of CAT subject.

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